Lost Email to account - how do I update?

Susan -

If your personal email changes there is no need to create a new account with us and start over! It's easy to update your account information!

Instead, simply make the changes to your existing account.

  • You simply visit the "My Profile" page under the "My Account" section, and make the appropriate changes there.

Note: If you accidentally created a new account with us, please let us know right away so we can assist you in resolving the situation.

It is not appropriate to create an entirely new account simply because your email address or other information changes. Doing so not only breaks the rules (duplicate accounts), but it can actually prevent you from being able to use your new email address with us

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    Permanently deleted user

    I no longer have access to the email I registered with and you sent a verification for my new email to the old one... how am I supposed to verify it if I can no longer access it? My new email is lauradixon69@outlook.com

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    I would like to login but I can’t

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    Jody Johner

    I am no longer receiving the daily emails even though it's selected in my settings.