In order to change the phone number associated with your account, please navigate to your Account Settings page. From there, click on “My Account” under the Quick Links section, and then you can change your phone number within the “Phone” section. If this option is not available for you, please click on the “Customer Support” text which will provide you with the option to submit a ticket for assistance with changing the phone number on your account.
Troubleshooting Claimed Phone Numbers
If you received an error message while attempting to mobile verify stating that your phone number is in use by another account, and the error message shows an email address you are familiar with, please proceed through the following steps:
- Log out of your account and type in the familiar email address into the Login field box
- Either enter the password of the account associated with that email address and log into the account, or select Forgot Password and create a new password to log in
- Once you are logged into the account associated with the email address that was displayed in the error message, please contact Customer Support here to assist you with reclaiming your phone number on your primary account
*Note that members may only own and operate one (1) account. Owning and operating multiple accounts is not permitted within the Terms of Use.
If the error message did not contain an email address, or you are not familiar with the email address provided in the error message, please contact us here to assist you with reclaiming your phone number.